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CURE Intelligence, LIST, and LuxProvide Collaborate on AI-Driven Compliance Platform ‘AURELA’

Legal tech made in Luxembourg: CURE Intelligence, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), LuxProvide and Governance Tailor have officially sealed their groundbreaking research collaboration for the AURELA project at a contract signing ceremony.

The signatories of the contract were Dirk Fransaer, CEO ad interim of LIST, PD Dr Joscha Krause, Head of Analytics & Insights at CURE Intelligence and Arnaud Lambert, CEO at LuxProvide. By partnering with Moritz von Kunow from Governance Tailor, AURELA will take automated compliance to a new level.

“The AURELA research project aims to use artificial intelligence and advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies to develop a novel system that autonomously analyses and processes antimoney laundering (AML) regulations”, explains PD Dr Joscha Krause. This is made possible in part by the latest advances in research into large language models (LLMs), which make it possible to automatically analyse extensive and complex text data. “We are very pleased to support this challenging project by providing the immense computing power of Luxembourg’s supercomputer MeluXina”, adds Arnaud Lambert.

“Luxembourg’s importance as Europe’s financial centre brings with it strict regulatory requirements, particularly in the area of anti-money laundering”, explains Moritz von Kunow. Companies must continuously ensure that their compliance policies meet the latest legal requirements, as violations can result in serious sanctions. Dr Djamel Khadraoui, Head of Reliable Distributed Systems (READY) Unit at LIST, states: “AURELA will solve this challenge by developing a SaaS platform that automatically identifies new AML laws, assesses their relevance for companies and summarises the relevant legal requirements in a concise manner.” In addition, the system will assess existing compliance risks and propose targeted measures to minimise these risks. This innovation is an essential step in supporting companies operating in highly regulated markets.

The AURELA project is funded by the Luxembourg Ministry of the Economy and the National Research Fund. With the support of LuxProvide, which provides the MeluXina supercomputer, and Governance Tailor, an expert in compliance solutions, the AURELA team will create an innovative solution that significantly improves efficiency and precision in the field of automated compliance.